Imagine Learning Now Certified for IMS Global OneRoster™ Standard
PROVO,UT – May 24, 2016 – Imagine Learning, award-winning developer of language and literacy software for elementary students, is a member of the IMS Global Learning Consortium and has now achieved conformance certification for the Imagine Learning Cloud product on the OneRoster™ CSV 1.0 standard for transferring roster data.
Problematic Roster Data Formats
As more classrooms move from print to digital learning resources, educators face the time-consuming task of manually creating and formatting class rosters for import into digital systems.
With multiple software programs in use at many schools, the challenge of working with unique, proprietary data formats for roster data becomes problematic for many districts and schools.
A Standardized Roster for All Systems
To help combat these problems, Imagine Learning has adopted the OneRoster™ CSV 1.0 technical specifications published by the IMS Global Learning Consortium.
This consortium collaborates with publishers, schools,and technology companies to provide industry-wide security, limits to data access, and needed technology–all of which allow class rosters to move easily from one system to another.
Peter Cannon, Imagine Learning’s Director of Product Management, elaborates about the importance of OneRoster™. “Educators and system administrators don’t always have time to create student accounts manually,” he says. “At Imagine Learning, we want to ensure that we are making things easier for our partners and OneRoster™ certification is a key step in helping all parties standardize on a common roster format.”